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Drag cat woman to the Court

Posted By Everything On 17.45 Under

Pennsylvania - Western society is known to be very fond of animals. Even the paint because bertindik on the Internet, a woman was eventually Sued in court.

A woman named Holly Crawford, dragged to the green table on the allegations of Cruelty to animals. He's auctioning off a kitten in a given eBay site multiple piercings in her ears, neck and back.

Melinda Merck, the Animal Cruelty investigator assessing the measures bad effect on the animal called "paint gothic" it. For example, in the quotation from the Telegraph by a leading media, hearing the cat was disturbed.

This issue was brought to trial in the United States based on the investigation of animal activist group, PETA. The Prosecutor also thinks, the suspect wanted to Reap profits by way persecuted the paint.

But Crawford's lawyer denied his client made a mistake. Crawford also admitted surprise brought to court because he thinks, no rings animals
difference with the human pierced so there's no question.

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